this is how it will feel like to hold one.
a quick view of the tool we will use, I gees the most important thing here is that we are using a glass-metal epoxy as the adhesive.
naturally we will need two bulbs.. something like 2$ a couple. I found that using 15W ones for that is the ideal. they are pleasant to look at directly with out getting your eye burnt, + they don’t get as hot so its a bit safer.
first thing first, brake one of the bulbs.
carefully crash the remains but keep the two wires intact.
now you should be left with something like this, please note you’ll need to clean the inside of the base to make sure that we have a smooth edge.
use an insulation tube to protect the line connected to the tip of the base, I took mine from a telephone wire. we do this so that we won’t have a short-cut.
that’s so cute, we made a small tunnel for the wire so that the edge of the bulb will be now flat.
placing the cup is an easy step, just glue it in the spot that the wire with the tube will be just enough to reach the welding spot of the second base, the tape will help you to keep it steady.
now weld the wire with the tube; to the welding point in the second base. and also weld an extra wire to the tip of the second base so you will be able to connect it to the ‘naked’ wire. for insulation cover the base with the tape so that the wire from the tip will not touch the base. and one nice tape over both of the expose wires. at this point i will point out that dipping the base with a nice clear epoxy will be the safest.
there it’s done.
[...] Aquí te enseñan unos simples pasos para conseguirlo, tan solo necesitas un par de bombillas para conseguir dos casquillos y unos sencillos pasos … [...]
Posted by tecnología, diseño y cacharros » Crea tu propia bombilla doble on March 1st, 2008.
[...] due normali lampadine e un po’ di pensiero laterale. Non vi dico come funziona, scopritelo nella pagina del progetto. La soluzione è davvero banale. « Una custodia per portatili da una vecchia muta [...]
Posted by ReadyMady | Social DIY! » La lampadina più stramba del mondo on March 16th, 2008.
Posted by sangseop LEE on June 20th, 2010.
I went through your website this morning and…
But seriously, great work, with so simple things. I Just love it. Especially the X rubber band. And the cell phone case… and the lighter… oh well, everything.
Did you know you were featured on BOOOOOOM today ?
Keep up making the amazing simplest things you make, they’re great !
Posted by Alex on October 27th, 2011.